What Legacy Will You Leave?
A will is important for everyone and can be useful regardless of estate size. It’s a way to support the people and causes that are important to you. Having a will ensures that your wishes are known, saving your loved ones the stress and cost of intestate probate proceedings.
We have partnered with FreeWill, a complimentary will-making service possible with the support of United Way. Many will-makers choose to leave a portion of their estate to United Way of the Yampa Valley, and we hope you’ll consider doing the same.
FreeWill offers end-of-life planning documents as well as the ability to change your will as circumstances change.
Save Money on Prescription Drugs
Formerly known as FamilyWize, United Way and SingleCare have collaborated to bring greater stability to communities nationwide for over 10 years. We know from experience that families in need never struggle with just one issue; it’s the combination of several problems piling up that prevents families from finding stability.
At United Way of the Yampa Valley, we partner with SingleCare to increase the financial stability and health of families in our community. Through their prescription savings card, SingleCare works to make prescription medications more affordable for all families so that no one ever has to make the hard choice between the medications they need and other basic needs, such as food or rent.
SingleCare makes it easy to save money on prescription drugs. In 2020, SingleCare saved Routt County residents over $6,800 in prescription drugs. Download your free prescription saving card and start saving on your next prescription pickup.